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    Cost Effective, Innovative and Reusable Centerpieces that go from the Kitchen to Table Top Décor to the Main Course

    Do you want to wow your guests with a quick and cost effective idea? Are you looking for a great conversation starter at your lunch or dinner party or do you just want to do something different? Here’s a concept that Forte Belanger has developed! “Why not use elements on your tabletop that act as “floral centerpieces” but are actually produce in its raw form.” states Lead Designer Natalie Matovski. “I created this concept as a solution for our clients seeking cost effective Sustainable Design while keeping in mind Forte Belanger’s vision of “Remarkable Design” which translates into every event that we create.”

    Think of all the varieties of fresh produce that has naturally stunning colors and forms, why not use the same elements that you are serving to your guests on your tabletop? Fill assorted shape and size glass vases with bundles of asparagus, broccoli or cauliflower which comes in shades of green, purple and white. Or how about using beautiful lettuces such as Bib, Romaine or Leaf; spring radishes and turnips have amazing color and add a lot of impact with very little fuss. Not to mention the vast variety of baby potatoes, tomatoes and assorted string beans that is uniquely pleasing to the eye.

    Try using squash blossoms or assorted fresh garden herbs in conjunction with the “produce floral”, these delicate blooms and herbs will add a soft touch and hint of fragrance that is similar to the flavors in the food and will add to the overall experience. “I utilize our sustainable garden to create many of our “food inspired focal points” for events, the possibilities are inexpensive and endless and the best thing is that at the end of the night, the “produce floral” will be placed back in the refrigerator for the following evening’s main course!”